
Extremely Valuable Tips that You Must Read on How Bad It is To sleep With Makeup ON

Are you amidst of the people who believe sleeping with make-up can make NO harm?   Then chances are you are packed with insufficient knowledge that stepping you to the wrong road.  Sleeping with makeup on the face happens a lot with so many people, being lazy to remove makeup is one of the reasons  people tend to ignore the negative effects of sleeping with makeup ON. Once in awhile not eradicating the face makeup is OK but repeating the same thing over and over again can really destructive and damaging  for the face.

Here are few points you must contemplate seriously on how non-removing of makeup can affect your face.

Clogged Pores lead to Breakout: Makeup glued for overnight can lead to clogged pores that can lead to breakouts and pimples. It's become necessary to wash the face before sleeping with well-branded soap that opens the pores and cleans the excessive oil and dirt from the face.

Dry Skin due to lack of Moisturizer: Moisturiser plays a vital role in keeping  face skin smooth. allowing makeup overnight , the components  of  makeup products  create barriers from penetrating the skin exterior  and this barrier results in a lack of moisturiser which turns  the issue to dry skin.

Chapping lips and Zapping of pout of moisturiser: Dealing with dry and chapping lips is very messy especially in cold weather. Leaving lipsticks overnight can make lips chapping and dry. If you fond to sleep with lipstick then applying  lip balm is always a good option.

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Fragile Eyelashes : sleeping with mascara ON can make your eyelashes fragile and frail and can increase the chances of shedding it fast too.

Wrinkles due to lack of Collagens: Collagen is important  in keeping the skin tight . The present of makeup  overnight  stops  the production of collagen that  can make breakouts and make skin ageing fast.

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Everybody cares for their face and why should not they care? because face the first thing that reflects the person appearance.if you reading this then your are at right place. here all remedies are base on home remedies which are 100% harmless.