
why is my face so dry?

Dry skin on forehead is the first thing people notice. people with dry flaky patches on face find very rough time to maintain the glow of DRY FACE, dry skin on chin is often happen due to age and as the time passes dry skin disorders become more difficult to handle the daily care of face, today i m going to give you some of the home remedies to treat your DRY FACE without any side effects, as i believe home remedies are the one of the best remedies to treat your skin. so lets jump on few reasons that cause face to become DRY.



Reason 1 :
Cold weatherPeople who stay in cold countries suffer dry face issues often, so its obvious in cold weather cold winds less the natural libids on face skin that make more dry due to smog and pollution.

Reason 2 :
Hormones Change If you read my earlier post on face acne you wil learn why hormones changes if the one fo the factor for dry face, in addition people with more stressfull environment have more chances to have dry face, because stress makes body system imbalance that leads to hormones changes.

Reason 3 :
Bathing FrequentlyBathing often like twice or thrice a day with hot water can make yur skin dry.

Reason 4 :
Exposure to Sun : Long term exposure to sun can cause face go dry due  to its UV rays which damage the face skin and left its skin tans over face.

Reason 5 :
Hypothyroidism : Hypothyroidism is the situation where body slow down its production  in oil glands and sweats. this leasd to rough and dry skin.

Reason 6 :
Aging : As we age  our body produce less oil glands and also our skin cells sheds slowly and its makes our complexion rough and dry.

Reason 7 :
Lack Of Vitamins : Vitamin A, Omega 3,B complex,Zinc,Vitamin C are some of the vitamins which helps in keep our face to produce oil glands,lack of this vitamins can lead to dry face also.

Reason 8 :
Smoking : Smoking and intaking drugs can cause your face dry  very quickly, as it lack the oxygen to skin by its nicotine.

Face skin are very sensitive specially when it comes to show signs of damage like dark spot,acne,scars etc and If your suffering from DRY FACE then i will advice you NOT to use soap to wash your face often, because soap is Alkaline-Based. let me explain in short.

Our body pH level are between 4-6.5 anything above that is called Alkaline.when we use soap on face its imbalance our pH and that let to more dry face and it can result in dry scaly patches on face

Here are some Best 3 home remedies for dry face:

Milk Cream + Lemon:

If you have dark dry patches on skin then Lemon helps to lighten the dark spots with its acidic nature and Milk cream is rich with lactic acid and Caprylic acid which helps in maintaining face skin.Lactic Acid helps to remove dead cells off skin and Caprylic acid helps in balancing the pH level in our skin. applying milk cream with one spoon of Lemon juice for 30 mins and washing off with cold water rejuvenates your face and make you fell more fresh.this misture can also use on dry patches on legs.

Honey :  Many people have complaint about dry patchy skin so here is the best skin moisturizer for face skin,Honey is rich in antioxidants. they are chemicals that makes the cell damaging process slow.its control the production of free radicals which are the main reason for skin cell damage. Applying honey for 30 minutes before taking bath is always good. you can apply overnight face pack of honey too. no harm in that.

Coconut Oil : Coconut oil is evergreen effective method to avoid from getting DRY FACE. its rich with saturated fats, Caprylic acid and Vitamin E.if you have  acne, psoriasis or  eczema coconut oil is best to treat with it, applying coconut oil  removes dirt  from face and also open the blocked pores.applying daily on face before bath or overnight makes face glow, it also removes dead cells of  face.


About Admin -

Everybody cares for their face and why should not they care? because face the first thing that reflects the person appearance.if you reading this then your are at right place. here all remedies are base on home remedies which are 100% harmless.