
Best oil remedies for dry face to keep face Moisturize and Hydrate in all Season

Fostering a dry skin in winter is tougher  when its peel off the dead layered skin of the face.The most problematic skin type to take care of is DRY SKIN.  Dry skin needs persistent and efficient moisturizing at constant intervals. Dry skin usually fails to hold moisturizer for a longer period. We already posted why face gets dry  and we recommending to lessen the use of soap  for face wash for those who already have a dry face

Lots of people with insufficient knowledge of specific  products ingredients spend their money just to experiment on their skin . Seeking for perfect moisturizer for dry skin is very time-consuming and knife to pockets too  because the products are loaded with secured oils and minerals that keep dry skin hydrated. Instead of wandering around to look for expensive tiny bottles,  why not take benefits of the home ingredients which are simply available in our kitchen.

Here are few home remedies especially for DRY skin that we have executed for  those who have dry face skin.

Jojoba Oil :
Before you get confuse or disoriented  let us tell you what’s the exact jojoba oil is, jojoba oil is extracted from the nut of American woody plant . it is wax liquid oil. This oil contains sebum which is a substance that accelerates the oil glands that keep  the dry face hydrated .

Things you need

  • 3 cups of warm water.
  • [make sure the water is not too hot, too hot water may burn or scorch the face skin]
  • ½ teaspoon of jojoba oil.
  • Washcloth

First dip the washcloth in warm water and place on your face, placing warm washcloth will open the pores on the face that help in-depth cleansing.

Secondly,remove the washcloth and  then run the ½ teaspoon jojoba oil on the face in circular motion.
when you massage oil on  face,dry skin starts to absorb the oil. Let the oil get soak in it and later wipe off the face with a washcloth
Doing this process 4-5 times a week will boost you skin functioning.

Beeswax  with  Almond Oil:Beeswax has the properties to hold the moisture for dry skin  that makes this oil one of the best oil to treat dry face .it is rich in vitamin A and with its’s balsamic properties keeps the production of cells in a healthy manner.

Things you need:

  • 1 tablespoon of honey
  • 2 tablespoon of mashed beeswax.
  • 3 tablespoon of extra virgin olive oil.
  • 1/3 lanolin
  • 1/3 cup of aloe vera gel.
  • ¼ cup of warm water
  • 3 to 5 drops of essential oil.
  • Jar bottle



First take 2 tablespoons of mashed beeswax  in a bowl and keep that bowl in the microwave for 30 seconds until it's melted. Take out that bowl carefully out of microwave and add  1/3 cup of aloe vera gel and ¼ cup of warm water

Secondlytake 3 tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil followed by 1/3 teaspoon lanolin and  1 teaspoon honey, blend this in a blender on low or medium speed for 30 seconds with constant intervals until it's well blended.

Thirdly, pour down the miture in a bowl and add 3-5 drops of essential oil. stir it well and then spoons the mixture in a jar with tightly fitted lid.
Lastly, place the well-blended mixture of the jar in a cool and dry place, apply the thin layer of that mixture on the face before bedtime and wash it off in morning with cold water.

Olive Oil:
The dry face has needed more scrutiny regarding cleansing in-depth.Using oil on constants basis on the dry face can make the skin smooth and soften.Olive oil has its own benefits for the skin. Some people tends to add olive oil in food, or some simply just consume it. It is filled with anti-microbial and anti-inflammatory properties, which help with itchiness and irritation caused by dry skin.It’s antioxidants substances like polyphenols,vitamins A and E help  in repair skin damage from sun exposure, cigarette smoke, and pollutants. 

Things you need :

  • 2 teaspoons extra virgin olive oil
  • 2 drops of lavender essential oil

Blend the extra Olive oil and Lavender essential oil in a bowl.
Apply the blender/ mixture of both oils on the face and leave it for 10-20 minutes.
Wipe the face by the washcloth

If you are not using much makeup on face then you can use this method as a daily moisturizer which can keep hydrated the face whole day.

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About Admin -

Everybody cares for their face and why should not they care? because face the first thing that reflects the person appearance.if you reading this then your are at right place. here all remedies are base on home remedies which are 100% harmless.