Zits are tiny globs of protein hidden underneath the skin. generally, there are 2 types Zits. Primary Zits is the outcome of pre-matured oil glands. Secondary zits are the result of an imbalance of skin.
Few are the below reasons for Zits:-
3.Excessive sun exposure
4.Increase in the oil glands.
Utilising Apple cider vinegar is one of the productive and functional methods to get rid of acne or small pimples like zits. Apple cider vinegar brawl with bacteria that cause all trouble at the primary stage. its makes bacteria hard to survive on your face with its features like alkaline and pH balance.
What do you need ?
1.Apple cider vinegar
2.Fresh cold water.
3. Cotton.
Firstly wash your face with fresh cold water while using Apple cider vinegar make sure you use the ratio of 1:3 like 1 part vinegar to 3 parts fresh water, take cotton and dip into Apple cider vinegar and apply directly to affected area.
Leave it for 10 minutes or you can also leave it for overnight. repeat this process several times a day. wash face thoroughly after each session. and make sure you use moisturiser after the session.
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